Home Delivery: Vital Pre-Delivery Communication

UPDATED: After we receive your Home Delivery order, we will email you Monday with a delivery day (Tuesday-Friday) and an estimated one-hour delivery window (between 9am-8pm) during which we ask you to be available at your delivery address to receive your kombucha. Please respond to that email by Monday night with the name and cell number of the 21+ person who will be receiving your delivery for you, be that you or someone else. We will send a text to that number before we leave the location of our prior delivery to let you know we are on our way, so that you or yours can place any bottle and crate returns on your front stoop for us, and so you can be ready with an ID and phone to accept the order, if you did not provide ID information at checkout.


CommuniTea Kombucha – the kombucha-flavored kombucha™